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BROTHER LC426 Value Pack B-C-M-Y Key Features Value pack inkjet cartridges to fit MFC-J4335DW / MFC-J4340DW / MFC-J4540DW includes colours Black - Cyan - Magenta & Yellow 3000 page yield Black cartridge 1500 page yield Cyan Magenta & Yellow Your Price: £ 65.23 (£ 78.28 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 32696J, BRLC426VAL
MPN Code: LC426VAL
Designed and manufactured by Brother’s expert engineers, the genuine LC426 supplies are the perfect partners for the A4 Mini Business inkjet printer series.
The Black cartridge offers up to 3,000 pages Black cartridge & 1500 page yield Cyan Magenta & Yellow. And as Brother Genuine Supplies, they are rigorously tested to ensure every print is as perfect as the last.
Compatible with the Brother MFC-J4335DW / MFC-J4340DW / MFC-J4540DW
12 months limited warranty. Please contact Brother on 0333 777 4444
NOTE: The availability of certain older Brother consumables may be subject to minimum order quantities as determined by the vendor