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BROTHER LC424BK Black Ink Cartridge Key Features Black inkjet cartridge to fit DCP-J1200W - 750 page yield Your Price: £ 16.98 (£ 20.38 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 18.99
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 32346J, BRLC424BK
MPN Code: LC424BK
Designed and manufactured by Brother’s expert engineers, the LC424 inkjet cartridges are the perfect partners for the DCP-J1200W inkjet printer.
Offering up to 750 pages the added option of a value pack which is more economical than single packs, reducing your cost per page. And as Brother Genuine Supplies, they are
rigorously tested to ensure every print is as perfect as the last.
Compatible with the Brother DCP-J1200W
12 months return to Brother (upon registration). Contact Brother UK Ltd., Shepley Street, Audenshaw, Manchester. M34 5JD. Call 0333 777 4444
Available Products NOTE: The availability of certain older Brother consumables may be subject to minimum order quantities as determined by the vendor