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HP 344 Tricolour Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge 14ml - C9363E Key Features High capacity inkjet cartridge for HP printers. Suitable for: Deskjet 5740/6540/6840/Photosmart 325/375/8150/8450/Officejet 6210/7410. Colour: Tri-Colour. Page Life: 450 pages. Reference: No.344 (C9363EE) Order Code: HPC9363E
MPN Code: C9363EE
If you regularly print in colour and want to lower your printing costs then the HP 344 ink cartridge is a must-have. Containing genuine HP magenta, cyan and yellow inks, the tri-colour cartridge contains everything you need to print in full colour. The HP 344 ink cartridge also has an impressive page yield thanks to the high capacity cartridge which not only allows you to go for longer without having to find a replacement, but will also help you lower your overall cost-per-page.
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type Ink Volume Ink Colour Colour Cartridge (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow)