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HP 303 Black Tri-Colour Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge Twinpack 2 x 4ml (Pack 2) for HP ENVY Photo 6230/7130/7830 series - 3YM92AE Key Features Print professional-quality colour documents that combine outstanding colour vibrancy with sharp black text Rely on Original HP ink cartridges to produce business output that stands up to highlighters and resists water, smearing, and fading Print affordably with individual inks Take advantage of easy recycling and minimal packaging to help reduce the time it takes to manage your environmental impact Your Price: £ 32.36 (£ 38.83 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 73.74 SAVE: £41.38
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: HP3YM92AE
MPN Code: 3YM92AE
Count on professional-quality documents. Original HP ink cartridges provide impressive reliability for dependable performance, consistent page yields, and standout results.
General Type Colour Cartridge Type Ink Colour Black + Colour Cartridge (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow)