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Epson 114 Yellow EcoTank Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge 70ml - C13T07B440 Key Features Epson Claria ET Premium ink Mess-free Outstanding photos and sharp text when printing Your Price: £ 12.70 (£ 15.24 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 14.34
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: EPT07B440
MPN Code: C13T07B440
Enjoy hassle-free and reliable printing with Epson's genuine inks. We invest in extensive research, high-tech manufacturing facilities and put our products through rigorous tests, to deliver the best quality product to you. Plus, Epson's ink bottles are easier to use than ever before with the next generation design. The re-engineered bottles provide mess-free refills, and only allow the correct colour to be inserted into the corresponding tank.
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type