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Epson 113 Cyan EcoTank Ink Bottle 70ml - C13T06B240 Key Features Professional looking prints Print thousands of pages Easy to use Quality you can rely on Your Price: £ 11.29 (£ 13.55 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 21.37 SAVE: £10.08
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: EPT06B240
MPN Code: C13T06B240
The fast drying EcoTank 113 ink series features all pigment inks for smudge and highlighter-resistant prints. With this reliable and high-quality ink, you can be sure it will deliver great prints with clear text and vivid colours. From one set of ink, you can produce thousands of pages without having to change a cartridge.
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type Ink Volume