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Epson 405XL Black CMY High Yield Ink Cartridge 63ml - C13T05H64010 Your Price: £ 122.43 (£ 146.92 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: EPT05H64010
MPN Code: C13T05H64010
Epson's DURABrite Ultra Ink is ideal for producing laser-like, business documents. Thanks to its all-pigment ink system, documents are water, smudge and highlighter resistant and its quick-drying properties make it perfect for duplex printing and there’s an affordable cartridge to suit every type of user with both standard and XL sizes available.
General Type Yield Up to 1,100 Pages Black/Colours
Cartridge Type Ink Volume 18.9ml Black/14.7ml Colours
Ink Colour Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow