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Epson 202 Kiwi Magenta Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge 4ml - C13T02F34010 Your Price: £ 11.29 (£ 13.55 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 25.10 SAVE: £13.81
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Order Code: EPT02F34010
MPN Code: C13T02F34010
This Epson 202 Inkjet Cartridge ensures high quality print output from your Epson Expression Premium inkjet printer. As a genuine Epson consumable, it ensures consistent and reliable operation for trouble-free printing when you need it most, and is packed with 4.1ml of Magenta ink. Epson ensures that every cartridge meets its high standards and works with your machine to provide precise, clear printing.
General Type Colour Cartridge Type Ink Volume