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Epson 33XL 5 Colours 12.2ml + 8.1ml + 3 x 8.9ml Multipack Easymail - C13T33574510 Your Price: £ 95.03 (£ 114.04 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: EPT33574510
MPN Code: C13T33574510
Claria Premium Ink for crisp, clear text and glossy, quality photos. Only replace the colours you need with the individual ink cartridges. This series is easily identifiable with the Orange image and comes in a convenient, 5 colour, high yield multipack.
General Type Colour Yield Up to 400 pages (photo black), 530 pages (black), 650 pages (cyan, magenta, yellow)
Cartridge Type Ink Colour Black/Photo Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow