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edding 950 Industry painter yellow Box of 10 Key Features Colour ink: Yellow Nib type: round Box of 10 pens stroke width of up to 10mm permanent marking on rusty or rough surfaces e.g. metal stone and wood Paste markers with twist-out wax-like nib highly opaque and highly permanent colour paste is waterproof smudge-proof and extremely lightfast Can even be used for writing on clean surfaces under water heat-resistant ink 300 °C Your Price: £ 35.74 (£ 42.89 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 60.70 SAVE: £24.96
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 34440J
MPN Code: 4-950005
Operating a well-functioning business can sometimes be a bit tough, especially when it involves rough, soiled, rusty or wet materials. For those occasions, the edding 950 industry painter is the go to option.
Its smudge-proof, highly opaque colour paste marks another high of industry proven permanent marking possibilities - even for those who work below the water surface, since this edding is i.e. used by professional divers marking ships. The extremely durable and lightfast colour paste is an easy choice for tough surfaces.