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Canon PG-585XL - High Yield Black Ink Cartridge - 6204C001 Key Features Print more with a high yield black cartridge that can print up to 300 pages New image processing using the new print head ensures fast and durable document printing New technology also ensures sharper text which is great for document printing Return every ink and toner cartridge to be reused or recycled. It's free, easy and environmentally friendly Your Price: £ 23.49 (£ 28.19 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 24.53
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Order Code: CAPG585XLEUR
MPN Code: 6204C001
The Canon PG-585XL Black Ink Cartridge delivers sharp and durable pigment black ink to enable the printing of documents at home. These black inks have office level highlighter resistance, while new image processing means the ink is sharper, more durable, faster and more efficient. The ink is also water-resistant, great for protecting your prints. The ink cartridge is high yield, printing up to 300 pages for long-lasting printing at home.
General Brand Colour Compatible Or Original Manufacturer Type Yield