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Canon PG-545XL/CL546XL Black & Colour High Yield Ink Cartridge 2 x 13ml + 1 x 11ml - 8286B013 Key Features Multipack includes 2 high yield black cartridge and 1 colour ink cartridge for longer lasting printing Genuine Canon Ink produces on average up to 35% more quality prints than imitation cartridges Genuine Canon Ink provides consistent quality prints 100% of the time Genuine Canon Ink is 100% reliable so you can print with less stress Each pack of 15 ml extra high yield black ink cartridges will provide up to 2.2x more prints than the standard equivalent Great for printing documents over an extended period of time The pack of 13 ml colour ink cartridges will provide up to 1.6x more prints than the standard equivalent Great for never running out of vibrant colour Return every ink and toner cartridge to be reused or recycled It’s free, easy and environmentally friendly Your Price: £ 57.63 (£ 69.16 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 63.35
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: CAPG545XL/CL546XL
MPN Code: 8286B013
This multi pack is your affordable solution to long-lasting printing. It includes the 13 ml CL-546 Colour Ink Cartridge for printing up to 300 pages of A4 vibrant colour, and two packs of the 15 ml PG-545 Ink Cartridge for printing up to 800 pages of deep blacks.¹ Genuine Canon Ink promises better quality and more reliability, meaning that you can print more for less.
General Brand Colour Compatible Or Original Ink Colour 2x Black + Colour Cartridge (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow)
Ink Volume Manufacturer Type Yield Up to 800 pages Black/300 pages Colour