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Canon PFI300PBK Photo Black Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge 14ml - 4193C001 Key Features Experience improved black density and detail Suitable for printing on fine art media Genuine Canon ink Your Price: £ 15.48 (£ 18.58 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 19.19 SAVE: £3.71
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: CAPFI300PBK
MPN Code: 4193C001
Bring your images to life with professional inks for detailed and reliable results every time. This pigment-based ink system delivers deeper black density promises to set your prints apart from the rest thanks to outstanding photo permanence. This photo black ink offers enhanced dynamic range and delivers the deepest black density in the entire IPF PRO range. Enable greater subtlety in monochrome printing by selecting “Black and White Photo Print†in Professional Print & Layout.
General Type Colour Cartridge Type