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Bic Velleda 1741 Whiteboard Marker Bullet Tip 1.4mm Line Assorted Colours (Pack 8) - 9581661 Key Features Ketone-based bullet tip whiteboard marker in medium-sized barrel for ease of use Available in black, blue, red, green, yellow, orange, pink and brown ink Blocked tip will not bend or retract under pressure, ideal for use in schools and at home Good erasability immediately and after a few days Acrylic 4.5mm bullet tip gives a line width of 1.4mm Your Price: £ 7.69 (£ 9.23 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 69276BC
MPN Code: 1199001748
BIC Velleda 1741 is a dry-wipe board marker which comes in a variety of bright and bold colours. Ideal for any classroom or home as an aide for visual learning, its blocked tip means it won't bend under pressure and its large plastic barrel gives it a high ink capacity. Even if you make a mistake, the Velleda 1741 whiteboard marker is easy to erase meaning you can quickly get on with your work without any interruptions
General Type Colour Tip Shape Line Width Ink Type Writes On Drywipe Boards & Flipcharts
Ink Colour Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow