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Canon CLI551XLY Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge 11ml - 6446B001 Key Features High capacity inkjet cartridge for Canon printers. Suitable for: PIXMA MG5450/MG6350. Colour: Yellow. Reference: No.551 (CLI-551XLY) Your Price: £ 14.49 (£ 17.39 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: CACLI551XLY
MPN Code: 6446B001
Genuine Canon inks bring out the best in your Canon printer, so you are always assured of exceptional results. Canon inks will keep your Canon printer going at peak performance. This high yield yellow ink provides up to 2x more prints than the standard equivalent. The ChromaLife100+ system yellow ink is used for printing documents and photos. This 11ml ink tank allows you to print up to 715 pages of A4 documents at ISO/IEC 29102 standard..
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type