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edding BTK 25 Bottled Refill Ink for Whiteboard Markers 25ml Green - 4-BTK25004 Key Features Refill ink with capillary system Ideal for clean and straightforward refilling of almost all edding whiteboard markers 25 ml Simply stand the marker nib downwards in the refill bottle for at least an hour, or ideally overnight Available in the colours black, red, blue and green With no added butyl acetate Your Price: £ 4.38 (£ 5.26 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 5.12 SAVE: £0.74
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 75538ED
MPN Code: 4-BTK25004
Prolongs the life of almost all edding whiteboard markers. The life of almost any edding whiteboard marker can be extended without hassle by simply refilling it as soon as it's empty. It'll be as good as new in no time at all. Refilling the markers is not only good for the environment, it also saves money. Suitable for the edding e-28, e-260, e-360 and e-365 whiteboard markers. High-quality branded product, Made in Germany.
General Type Colour Form For Use With Almost All edding Whiteboard Markers