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Pentel EnerGel Reill 0.7mm Blue (Pack 12) LR7-CX Key Features Fits most EnerGel range Available in various colours 0.7mm nib Contains Energel ink which is a vivid, liquid gel ink, fast drying and no smudging Your Price: £ 9.60 (£ 11.52 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 15.60 SAVE: £6
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 71387SP
MPN Code: LR7-CX
The Pentel LR7 Blue Ink refill is the standard Energel refill suitable for most of the 0.7mm refillable Pentel Energel range, including the Energel-XM, Energel-X and Energel Stirling. Energel ink is a vivid, liquid gel ink, fast drying and no smudge, suitable for both left and right handed users. The refill is available in most standard colours.
General Type Colour Form Line Width Ink Type For Use With Energel XM, Energel X and Energel Stirling
Tip Size Warranty Country of Origin