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Pilot V7 Grip Hi-Tecpoint Liquid Ink Rollerball Pen 0.7mm Tip 0.4mm Line Black (Pack 12) - 4902505279775 Key Features Excellent writing comfort and precise lines thanks to the free-flowing and vibrant coloured liquid ink Hitec point for ultra-precise lines, fine or extra fine with an awesome writing comfort An ergonomic pen with a rubber grip to ensure better control and a better writing comfort! Pen with cap Order Code: 71037PT
MPN Code: 4902505279775
The V7 GRIP - the hi-tecpoint liquid ink pen with added comfort A rubber grip and a medium tip size makes this pen a regular addition to the HI-TECPOINT range to give a more comfortable writing experience for those longer writing sessions. The ink viewer window means that you can always see just how much ink you have left so you'll never get caught out again. This is the perfect pen for school, home or the workplace. 0.7mm tip gives a 0.4mm medium line.
General Type Ballpoint & Rollerball Pens
Colour Pen Type Tip Size Line Width Ink Type Refillable Retractable Tip Barrel Colour Barrel Feature Ink Colour Country of Origin