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Pilot Fineliner Pen 1.2mm Tip 0.4mm Line Black (Pack 12) - 4902505085949/SA Key Features Pilot uses wear resistant polyacetal tips to provide some of the most dependable and long-lasting felt tip pens in the market Multiple channel irrigation ensures that there is a constant flow of ink to the tip without leakage Pen with cap Your Price: £ 13.91 (£ 16.69 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 20.88 SAVE: £6.97
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 70960PT
MPN Code: 4902505085949/SA
The classic Pilot FINELINER An extremely durable writing instrument. With a hard plastic tip, which also makes it suitable for writing through carbon paper, the FINELINER tip is encased in a metal sleeve which will prevent it from splitting and degrading with age. The FINELINER lets you underline, mark, draw and write with the precision, quality and durability you would expect from a Pilot pen. 1.2mm tip gives a 0.4mm line.
General Type Fineliner & Felt Tip Pens
Colour Form Tip Size Line Width Retractable Tip Barrel Colour Ink Colour Country of Origin