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Houston Chair Mesh Back Black Fabric Seat With Arms OP000181 Key Features Heavy duty construction Fully synchronous mechanism with multi lock function Height adjustable lumbar support Large soft upholstered bespoke seat Anti-shock tilting action Tension adjustment on tilt action Removable arms Gas lift tested up to: 203kg Usage: task 24/7 Your Price: £ 499.80 (£ 599.76 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 734.00 SAVE: £234.2
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 59959DY
MPN Code: OP000181
You spend a lot of time at your desk. You need a big, highly functional and super comfortable seating solution. Look no further than the Houston that is packed with features, a reinforced structure and has your comfort at the very heart of its design to ensure you sit ell all day every day. This also has a super weight rating of 32 Stone - 203KG
General Recommended Weight Limit Seat Depth Seat Width Back Width Back Type Self Assembly Warranty Weight Dimensions Recommended Usage Type Adjustable Lumbar Support Back Height Back/Seat Action With Arms Seat Height Style Material Colour