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Paper Mate S0977430 Inkjoy Retractable Pens Black Ink - Pack of 100 Key Features Pack of 100 black ink 1mm tip Triangular shaped barrel for comfort and control transparent colour tinted body the ink starts quickly with no dragging and minimal pressure delivers crisp clean lines Your Price: £ 30.26 (£ 36.31 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 36.25 SAVE: £5.99
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 56113NR
MPN Code: S0977430
Spread joy with vivid colour: Paper Mate InkJoy 100 RT retractable ballpoint pens have a smooth, fast-starting writing system that spreads ink easily so writing’s never difficult. Even work or school can enjoy ink that flows as freely as your thoughts.
Brighten up every page and make writing more exciting with Paper Mate InkJoy ballpoint pens.
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