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Pilot V-Board Master Bullet Tip Drywipe Marker Assorted (Pack 10) - 5012052029736 Key Features Drywipe non-permanent marker pens Erase ink easily from whiteboard surfaces with a cloth Refillable and made from 93% recycled plastic Smooth flowing, alcohol based, pigmented ink Twin-pipe feeder system for consistent ink flow Low odour Contain no xylene or similar solvents 6mm bullet tip 2.3mm medium line width Ink colour: Black, red, blue, green and orange Your Price: £ 12.99 (£ 15.59 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 36.36 SAVE: £23.37
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Order Code: 55950PT
MPN Code: 5012052029736
Pilot's V-Board marker pens are an ideal choice for high quality, consistently traceable writing. The non-toxic ink offers full coverage without affecting the whiteboard which can be easily removed with a cloth. The refillable marker pen's regulation system delivers a constant flow down to the last drop of liquid ink through the durable 6mm bullet tip which does not dry out even when left open for several hours. Representing an economical and environmental solution, they are made from 93% recycled plastic (excluding consumables).
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Tip Shape Line Width Ink Type Writes On Drywipe Boards & Flipcharts
Ink Colour Black, Blue, Red, Green, Orange
Refillable Erasable Ink Eco-Aware Recycled Product