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Sharpie Creative Marker Acrylic Paint Markers Water-Based Brush Tip Assorted Colours (Pack 5) - 2201182 Key Features Water-based acrylic markers No need to shake Colours layer with ease for added dimension Suitable for use on: Paper, wood, ceramic, glass, rock and canvas Bullet tip for fine lines Vibrant colour on both light and dark surfaces No bleed through on paper Barrel colour: Black Your Price: £ 10.34 (£ 12.41 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 29.52 SAVE: £19.18
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 50595NR
MPN Code: 2201182
These acrylic markers feature stunning paint-like ink that glides across the page with the control of a marker. The water-based ink will not bleed through, so work stays clean. These bright colour, paint pens create vibrant marks on both light and dark surfaces and boldly mark on paper, metal, wood, ceramic, glass, rock and canvas. The colours layer beautifully to add dimension to creative work. Without the need to shake, these bullet tip markers are always ready for use - simply uncap and create.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Tip Shape Ink Type Writes On Nib Size