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Schneider Maxx 130 Permanent Marker Bullet Tip 1mm-3mm Yellow (Pack 10) - 113005 Key Features Can be kept open for 2 to 3 days without drying up The pens can be refilled with refills, cartridges or reservoirs The writing doesn’t dissolve in water and remains visible after UV radiation Pen body is made of 95% recycled plastic Order Code: 49580SQ
MPN Code: 113005
Permanent marker with bullet tip, line width 1-3 mm. Writing colour yellow. *Pen body consists of 95% recycled plastic, internal ink reservoir of 75% recycled fibres. For writing on cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, metal, wood and almost all other materials. The writing is quick-drying, water-proof and highly light resistant. The cap-off ink does not run dry even if the cap is removed for 2-3 days. It has a low odour and is free of toluol and xylol. The marker has a practical clip cap.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Tip Shape Line Width Ink Type Ink Colour Eco-Aware Recycled Product