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Schneider Klick-Fix-Pen White Ballpoint Pen Expandable cord & Pen Holder Black Ink with Replacable Express 775 M Refill (Single Pen) - 4121 Key Features The pens can be refilled with refills, cartridges or reservoirs The writing is permanent according to ISO 12757 standards for “documentary use“ Your Price: £ 6.20 (£ 7.44 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 19.04 SAVE: £12.84
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 49363SQ
MPN Code: 4121
Ballpoint pen with expandable cord and pen holder. Ideal for places where a ballpoint pen is required at a particular location, e.g. at a cash desk, by the telephone, in the car, etc. The Klick-Fix is self-adhesive and its jaws can be turned to any required position. Writing colour black. With replaceable refill Express 775 Medium (M). Waterproof according to ink standard ISO 12757-2. The wear-resistant stainless steel tip guarantees that the large ink supply can be fully used and does not smear.
General Type Ballpoint & Rollerball Pens
Manufacturer Brand Colour Pen Type Tip Size Ink Type Refillable Barrel Colour Ink Colour Country of Origin