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Dynamic Chester Boutique Office Desk Dark Grey Oak - HO00100 Key Features Warm Dark Oak Finish Varnished brass style frame and design accents Console style desktop with integrated drawer H Frame with floor levelling feet Weight Capacity: 100Kg Your Price: £ 268.41 (£ 322.09 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 845.08 SAVE: £576.67
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 30421DY
MPN Code: HO00100
The Chester boutique console desk combines style with practicality. Dark oak wood finishes are accented beautifully with brass style features and leg frame. A generously sized integrated drawer provides quick and convenient storage. Contemporary and classic styles gracefully meet within the Chester boutique desk - making it the perfect solution for both the home and office.
General On Promotion Weight Warranty Type Top Colour Style Size Self Assembly Orientation Brand Material Manufacturer Leg Type Frame Colour Dimensions Desk Depth Country of Origin Colour