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Rapesco PS12-USB Automatic Double Hole Pencil Sharpener USB/Battery Black - 1449 Key Features Powered by USB cable (included) or 4 x AA batteries (not included) Double-hole design to fit pencil diameters: 6-8mm and 9-12mm Supplied with replaceable sharpening units 2 large and 2 standard size Ideal for graphite, charcoal, pastel and coloured pencils Easy to clean by simply removing shavings tray and emptying over a waste bin Order Code: 30276RA
MPN Code: 1449
The PS12-USB is a stylish dual powered (USB or battery) automatic pencil sharpener that provides quick and precise sharpening with ease. Featuring a double-hole design to fit pencil diameters: 6-8mm and 9-12mm. Simple to clean by removing shavings tray and emptying over a waste bin. Designed with auto-off feature that stops operation when shavings cover is removed, also features a safety lid cover over the large hole. Supplied with 2 replaceable blade units that are easily changeable. 2 Year Guarantee.
General Type Colour Material Form Hole Power Warranty