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Sigel CONCEPTUM A4 Spiral Hard Cover Notepad 4 Hole Punched Ruled 160 Microperforated Pages Black CO821 Key Features The Conceptum product group has won numerous international design awards Elegant design with a rippled soft-touch surface for a special surface feel Chamois-coloured paper (80 gsm, PEFC-certified), printed in classy grey Quick pocket inside the back cover for storing documents Sturdy metal double spiral, the cover folds back completely, 4-hole punching, space for the date at the top Your Price: £ 8.86 (£ 10.63 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 14.37 SAVE: £5.51
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 54965SG
MPN Code: CO821
There's no need to choose between a notepad that is practical and one that looks good. This functional, elegant Conceptum notepad is your modern companion for the office and business life. A stylish spiral notepad with a stiff hardcover jacket - the spiral notepad in black, lined in the A4 format (23,9 x 30,1 cm) with a quick pocket and 160 pages (all pages are microperforated with a paper tear guide for easy detachment from the pad).