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Robinsons Double Concentrate No Added Sugar Orange Squash 1.75 Litre (Pack 2) - 0402046 Key Features Refreshing orange squash Double concentrate for longer lasting use and value for money Great for hydration No added sugar 1.75 litres per bottle Your Price: £ 10.83 (£ 13.00 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 51766CP
MPN Code: 402046
Robinsons double concentrate orange squash gives you twice as much juice for your money. Perfect for pepping you up on warm days or during the mid afternoon dip, it is a cool and refreshing alternative to tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks. Each bottle contains an estimated 70 servings (based on a dilution of 1 part juice: 9 parts water), making each glass great value for money. Keep yourself refreshed with Robinsons fruit squash!
General Type Drink Type Pack Size Pack Type Flavour