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Pilot Begreen Progrex Mechanical Pencil HB 0.7mm Lead Black/Transparent Barrel (Pack 10) - 4902505373404 Key Features Refillable product more economical and respectful of the environment Made with 70% of recycled plastic (excluding consumables), to reduce our impact on the environment Retractable tip: a pen ready in one click, no more cap lost An ergonomic pen with a rubber grip to ensure better control and a better writing comfort High strength leads resist the chance of breaking and are perfect for everyday use in the home, workplace or school Your Price: £ 13.15 (£ 15.78 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 17.60 SAVE: £4.45
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 11599PT
MPN Code: 4902505373404
The Pilot PROGREX mechanical pencil is made from 71% recycled plastic and is available in a choice of lead sizes (0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm and 0.9mm). Featuring an innovative sliding sleeve which prevents lead breakage, an integrated eraser and a soft, ergonomic grip for comfort and control, the Pilot PROGREX is a practical and affordable choice. Available in up to three barrel colours (0.5mm version only). Refillable using any Pilot Eno leads and replacement erasers also available (MS-10 Mechanical Pencil Eraser Refills)
General Type Form Lead Grade Lead Size Retractable Lead Sleeve Eraser Eco-Aware Recycled Product