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Pilot Begreen Twin Tip Permanent Marker Extra Fine 0.45mm and Fine 0.5mm Line Black (Pack 10) - 4902505342080 Key Features Twin tip permanent marker pen Made from 76.1% recycled material Fine line bullet tip at one end and an extra fine line bullet tip at the other The bonded acrylic fibre tips retain their shape and writes permanently on almost any surface including paper, glass, plastic, ceramic and metal Xylene-free 0.8mm tip size gives a 0.45mm extra fine line 2.0mm tip size gives a 0.5mm fine line Order Code: 11592PT
MPN Code: 4902505342080
The PILOT TWIN MARKER is an innovative permanent marker. With a fine line bullet tip at one end and an extra fine line bullet tip at the other end this marker suits a variety of applications. The bonded acrylic fibre tips retain their shape and writes permanently on almost any surface including paper, glass, plastic, ceramic and metal. The PILOT TWIN MARKER is available in two Xylene-free ink colours (black and blue) and is manufactured from 76.1% recycled material. 0.8mm tip size gives a 0.45mm extra fine line 2.0mm tip size gives a 0.5mm fine line
General Type Colour Tip Shape Line Width Ink Type Ink Colour Eco-Aware Recycled Product Country of Origin