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Beeswift Fold Flat P3 Mask with Valve (Pack 20) - 3FF3V Key Features Maintenance free particulate respirator Polypropylene (P.P) outer layer provides smooth lining and avoids loose fibres Contour design ensures the compatibility of glasses / goggles and reduces fogging Adjustable nosepiece ensures custom shape and increase the worker comfort and acceptance Conforms to EN149:2001 + A1:2009 FFP3 NR V For Hazard Type: Fine Toxic dusts fumes and water-based mists. Example: Working with hardwood glass fibres and plastic (non PVC) metalworking and welding Order Code: 55740BE
MPN Code: 3FF3V
Maintenance free particulate respirator. Polypropylene (P.P) outer layer provides smooth lining and avoids loose fibres. Contour design ensures the compatibility of glasses / goggles and reduces fogging. Adjustable nosepiece ensures custom shape and increase the worker comfort and acceptance. Conforms to EN149:2001 + A1:2009 FFP3 NR V For Hazard Type: Fine Toxic dusts, fumes and water-based mists. Example: Working with hardwood, glass fibres and plastic (non PVC), metalworking and welding.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour With Valve Standards EN149:2001 + A1:2009 FFP3 NR V
Protection Level Weight