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ValueX PY Kentucky Mop 12oz - 909001 Key Features Long-lasting They are traditional quality Excellent absorbency Narrow saddle Conforms to CHSA standards Individually flagged and wrapped High water retention Effortless handling Thick absorbent yarn Your Price: £ 2.46 (£ 2.95 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 52333CP
MPN Code: 909001
Kentucky Mop Heads are made from high quality cotton and offer high levels of absorbency, strength and increased water retention levels. Kentucky mops are easy to use and keep clean and they effectively and efficiently collect dirt and debris leaving surfaces clean and hygienic. The kentucky mop head is exceptionally well known for its ability to pick up or lay down very large quantities of liquid and it has fantastic absorbancy and high water retention.
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