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Radnor Hills Sparkling Bottled Water 500ml (Pallet 84 Packs of 24) - 201036x84 Key Features Filtered naturally through layers of rock to achieve its exceptional taste and purity Bottled spring water is the Ideal refreshment in the workplace Convenient 500ml screw top bottles Store out of direct sunlight Best served chilled Your Price: £ 572.36 (£ 686.83 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1831.56 SAVE: £1259.2
1 item available
Thank you for choosing us and for your custom today!
Order Code: 50105XX
MPN Code: 201036x84
Our Spring Water is well balanced and rich in trace minerals, it’s extracted far underground and bottled at source on our site in Powys, Mid Wales. The water can often take just 7 short minutes to be abstracted from the ground straight into our bottles using state of the art technology which means it remains exceptionally pure for consumers to enjoy!
General Brand Drink Type Manufacturer Radnor Hills Mineral Water Company Ltd
Pack Size Pack Type Still Or Sparkling Type